HWG Developing Graphic Skills: Assessment Handbook

A 45 page PDF download.  

The term graphic skills refers to the ability to produce straight and curved lines of different lengths, directions and positions on the page to produce the basic shapes and patterns needed for drawing and learning to print letters.

The HWG Developing Graphic Skills: Assessment Handbook provides a structured approach to assessment of the different aspects of completing selected graphic tasks: attention, following instructions, evaluating own work, motor control and motor planning. 

Detailed instructions are provided for each tasks along with templates and checklists for recording all aspects of a child's performance on the task.  

Working through the assessment tasks provides parents and teachers with insight into the child's abilities and difficulties and provides direction for selecting remedial tasks. 



 What are the basic graphic skills?
The assessment process

Drawing tasks 

Drawing long lines down the page
R 6y 3 april 2014 lines down.jpg

Drawing long lines across the page 
R 6y 3 april 2014 lines across (1).jpg

curves around circles 2_1.jpg
Drawing radiating lines 
Drawing medium lines in all directions 
Drawing circles in grid 
Copying different sized circles 
Copying a rectangle and a square 
Drawing a square with eyes closed 
Drawing crossed and diagonal line shapes 
Drawing small circles in boxes 
Drawing shapes in small boxes

small curved shapes.jpg 

  diagonal lines and triangle.jpg

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